1. How pure devotees react to difficulties

    Sometimes a representative of the Lord engaged in preaching work meets various so-called difficulties. This was exhibited by Lord Nityananda when He delivered the two fallen souls Jagai and Madhai, and similarly Lord Jesus Christ was crucified by the nonbelievers. But such difficulties are gladly suffered by the devotees in preaching because in such activities, […]
  2. The symptom of mukti

    When we speak about the Krsna consciousness movement, which is meant to make people intelligent, the conditioned living entity therefore misunderstands it. He is so engrossed in the material concept of life that he does not think there can be any activities that are actually based on intelligence beyond the construction of skyscrapers and big […]
  3. Hanuman’s policy

    Our policy is to take away the money from the atheist and employ it to the service of Ramacandra. Just like Hanuman. Hanuman was fighting not for his personal. He was trying to recover Sita from the hands of Ravana to bring her again to the side of Ramacandra. That was his policy. So devotee’s […]
  4. Various forms of kirtana

    We perform kirtana with khol, karatala, this is also krsna-kirtana. And to write books, that is also krsna-kirtana. And to read books, that is also krsna-kirtana. Not that simply this kirtana is kirtana. If you write books about Krsna, if you read books about Krsna, if you talk about Krsna, you think of Krsna, you […]
  5. Chant Hare Krsna and dance

    Ramesvara: They have given too much power to the people, so the people demand so many things. Prabhupada: Therefore they’re suffering. Ordinary people, what they’ll do? Anarthas. Actually it is anartha. They have created so many things. Ramesvara: They are very much afraid if we close down the gambling houses and the prostitution houses that […]
  6. Don’t divert your mind

    Your report of the book distribution there is very encouraging. Make program to distribute our books all over the world. Our books are being appreciated by learned circles, so we should take advantage. Whatever progress we have made, it is simply to distributing these books. So go on, and do not divert your mind for […]
  7. Education to become a bigger fool

    In the education circles they are made fools. Education means he’s a more fool, that’s all. That is education. Mudha. Mayayapahrta-jnana. These fools and rascals, their actual knowledge is taken away, and they are coming out as educated. That we are protesting. Srila Prabhupada; “Life Comes From Life” Slideshow Discussions – July 3, 1976, Washington, […]
  8. Christian allies

    The other day I was invited by some Christian monks to come to their very large monastery in the countryside near Melbourne, and they were so much appreciating our Krsna consciousness philosophy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and they read our Bhagavad-gita every night, and they are all very nice persons and have stopped eating meat. […]
  9. Nonviolence in Christianity?

    The first principle of spiritual life is non violence. They will say Killing in this matter means actually Murder, but accepting even this argument, it means that the society in which Christ was preaching were composed of Murderers, so what kind of men they were, and practically we see it is a fact that because […]