1. defending from opposing elements

    …try to understand the philosophy very nicely, because you are going to preach. So many opposing elements will come. So you have to defend yourself. The more you can defend yourself from the opposing elements, the more you are advancing. You should know. That is the test. Because you are preacher, so you have to test yourself, how you are making advance. Don't be self-complacent: "Oh, I am very…, I have advanced very much." Your advancement will be tested when you can meet opposing elements. Not that when the opposing elements come, "Oh, let him talk with Guru Maharaja, or spiritual master." Why? What for you are being taught? So you should be very careful to understand the philosophy. Otherwise, you are not making progress. Progress means you shall defend yourself from the opposing elements. That is required.

    >>> Ref. VedaBase => Sri Isopanisad, Mantra 1 — Los Angeles, April 30, 1970