Sridhara Swami remembers:
On a morning walk once with Srila Prabhupada in Juhu Beach, one of his disciples from Gujarat, Jasomatinandana Dasa, was walking with him. He had just got his master’s in engineering from USA — he joined in the West and Prabhupada had told him to come back to India. So they were walking, and
Prabhupada asked him how the preaching in the colleges was going. And he said, “Well, the boys are saying that this is very good for those Westerners; they’ve already experienced the fruits of sense gratification, therefore they can renounce. But “we want to first have material benefits, then we’ll think about spiritual life.”
Prabhupada said, “Yes, that’s all right; tell them that if that’s what they really want, then they have to be prepared to work morning shift, afternoon shift, evening shift.” (laughter) “They have to be ready to work hard like donkeys. This is the price the Westerners have paid.”
Adbhuta Hari Dasa, The Jolly Swami, p. 967